June 14, 2011

A new blog-Mommiepedia

In past I have been writing about ideas/inspirations both suited for adults and children. But then I realized I have so much to share and say when it comes to creative ideas for kids and this might not be the right blog to share all those ideas on. So I started a new blog called "Mommiepedia". In this blog I plan to share ideas about creative ways of teaching kids. I hope it will become an encyclopedia (sort of) for imaginative and out-of-the box teaching ideas.

Some images from Mommiepedia

I hope you guys will check it out. Suggestions and stories to share are welcome. Also if you like it please share it. Thank you for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Hi I'm Heather. I have a question about your blog, please email me when you get a chance. HeatherVonSJ(at)gmail(dot)com Thanks!



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